Newfields Indianapolis Engagement Session | Miranda & Barret


There is no better feeling than meeting someone and clicking right away. That’s how I felt as soon as I met Miranda and Barret for their engagement session at Newfields in Indianapolis. We have a bunch of mutual friends but had never actually met one another so it was fun to tie together connections and friend groups. They, like many couples I worked with before, started off saying how awkward they were in front of the camera. I actually kind of love it when couples say this because it makes the shoot automatically feel more authentic. It’s rare to photograph a duo who knows exactly what to do when they’re having their photo taken, so this gives me more opportunity to have fun, explore, and see what gets them feeling like they’re natural selves. I always love starting off my session with some sort of movement. Typically I just have my couple walk around a bit. They look at each other, laugh at the awkwardness, and we start to feel a bit more comfortable around one another. It’s not only the couple who needs to warm up; it always takes me a bit of time to find my groove and creative energy, so it’s a quick practice round for all of us. Miranda and Barret quickly found their groove and my brain was on fire with all the endless possibilities Newfields holds. The architecture, the gardens…everything is so beautiful. It’s a photographer’s dream. 

After my session with Miranda and Barret, I couldn’t help but want all my sessions to feel the way there's felt. The ease and comfort of it all was something so rewarding and deserving in a way. Like I’m finally traveling down the right path toward the connections I value most in life, and my work is finally resonating with those that are on the same wavelength as me. It’s a wonderful feeling and one that I want to make last for as long as I can.


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